Education • 5 min read
Von Bitpanda Pro
Neu auf Bitpanda Pro und unsicher darüber, wie man loslegen kann? Dieser Artikel dient als Leitfaden, um den sicheren Einstieg in Europas Exchange für Krypto-zu-Fiat-Märkte, früher auch als Bitpanda Global Exchange bekannt, zu erleichtern.
If you have already bought digital assets on Bitpanda, you probably know that Bitpanda, the broker and Bitpanda Pro, our exchange, do not provide one and the same service.
Bitpanda offers quick and convenient access for users who want to buy cryptocurrencies or digitised metals in an easy-to-use and beginner-friendly way. Bitpanda Pro, on the other hand, is our digital asset exchange for advanced users who want to trade large volumes manually or connect automated trading bots.
If you already have a Bitpanda account, you can simply log in using your existing credentials. If you do not have a Bitpanda account yet, you need to create one first.
If you are not a Bitpanda user yet and therefore don’t have an account, the first step is to create one.
Please keep in mind that you need only one account in order to use both Bitpanda and Bitpanda Pro, including all the services we offer across our ecosystem. As a matter of fact, please do not attempt to create double accounts for one user as this will result in you getting blocked - see 4.1 in our Terms & Conditions for further information.
Note that you can either set up a private or a business account. You can find the sign-up for business accounts on the bottom of the registration page. For more information on this topic, visit our helpdesk.
Here’s what you have to do:
We highly recommend that all our Bitpanda users utilise authentication hardware and activate two-factor authentication (2FA) on their mobile device. 2FA offers a second layer of security to your account. Learn how to activate 2FA here.
As Bitpanda is fully compliant with AML5, you need to verify your account in order to start trading on Bitpanda and Bitpanda Pro. You can find more information on accepted documents, verification methods and supported countries on the Bitpanda Helpdesk.
4. Now enter your personal details
As there is a limit of EUR 2,500 for deposits after successful verification, you need to make a verification deposit via bank transfer or EPS of an amount between EUR 25 and EUR 2,500, in order to increase the amount of funds you can deposit. Please note this transfer may take up to three days and the limit increase will be effective once the verification deposit is received.
Bitpanda Pro supports euro (EUR) and Swiss franc (CHF) deposits via SEPA bank transfer or direct transfers from your Bitpanda EUR or CHF wallet to Bitpanda Pro. Follow the steps below to deposit EUR or CHF from your bank account via SEPA. Please note that a bank transfer may take up to three business days and that Bitpanda will not credit deposit amounts below the minimum amount of EUR 25.
1. Log in to Bitpanda Pro
2. Click on your user icon and then on “Deposit”
3. Now select “EUR” or the currency of your choice, the SEPA tab is already pre-selected
4. Enter the amount of the fiat currency you wish to transfer to your Bitpanda Pro EUR wallet
5. Agree to the early fulfillment of the transaction and confirm the bank account you are using is in your name, then click “Continue”
6. You can now see the transfer details and can make a transfer from the bank account in your name in the selected currency, using the provided details
7. Now click on Done
If you require further help transferring fiat funds or want to transfer funds to your Bitpanda Pro wallet directly from your Bitpanda Wallet, check out the extensive selection of articles on the Bitpanda Helpdesk.
Now you are almost ready to start trading. If you are new to trading, take a look at our list below for additional information first.
Additional information before you get started
It is fair to say that Bitpanda would not be Europe’s leading platform for digital assets without the outstanding services and expertise offered by our Bitpanda Support team. The Support team is ready to assist all Bitpanda users 365 days a year.
From supporting you during your onboarding process to processing a vast range of individual user requests and inquiries, the Bitpanda Helpdesk is unrivalled in the cryptocurrency industry in terms of knowledge, speed and access to extensive information and resources. Read on here to find out more and to contact the team if you require assistance.
Are you ready?
Start trading on Bitpanda Pro now!
Bitpanda GmbH ve grup şirketleri (Bitpanda) Türk Parasının Kıymetini’nin Korunması Hakkında 32 sayılı Karar’ın 2/b maddesine göre Türkiye’de yerleşik sayılan hiçbir kişiye yönelik olarak 6362 sayılı Sermaye Piyasası Kanunu başta olmak üzere Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Devleti mevzuatı hükümleri gereği Türkiye’de faaliyet izni gerektiren hiçbir sermaye piyasası faaliyetine dair hizmet sunmamaktadır. Şayet Bitpanda’nın yabancı sermaye piyasalarında vermiş olduğu hizmetlerden Türkiye’de yerleşik kişilerin faydalandığı tespit edilecek olursa tüm zararları kullanıcıya ait olmak üzere bu hizmetler ivedilikle sona erdirilecektir.
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Wir verwenden solche Cookies und ähnliche Technologien, um Informationen wie Besucher unsere Website verwenden zu sammeln, die uns dabei helfen, diese besser zu verstehen und unsere Services entsprechend zu verbessern. Sie helfen uns auch dabei, die generelle Performance unserer Website zu messen. Die so generierten Daten erhalten wir aggregiert und anonym. Das Blockieren dieser Cookies und Tools hat keine Auswirkungen auf die Funktionsweise unseres Services, allerdings machst du es uns so erheblich schwerer dein Nutzererlebnis weiter zu verbessern.
Diese Cookies werden dazu verwendet, um dich mit relevanter Werbung zu Bitpanda zu versorgen. Die Tools dafür werden meist von Drittanbietern zur Verfügung gestellt. Mithilfe dieser Cookies stellen solche Drittanbietern und wir beispielsweise sicher, dass du nicht mehrmals dieselbe Anzeige siehst und Werbung auf deine Interessen abgestimmt ist. Wir können mit solchen Technologien auch den Erfolg unserer Marketingkampagnen messen. Das Blockieren dieser Cookies und ähnlichen Technologien hat generell keinen Einfluss auf die Funktionsweise unserer Services. Bitte beachte aber, dass du auch weiterhin Werbung zu Bitpanda auf Webseiten sehen wirst, allerdings wird diese nicht mehr für dich personalisiert.