News • 4 min read
By Eric Demuth
Normally, I don't celebrate milestones, but today we made (Bitpanda) history. Surpassing the billion-dollar valuation mark in our company's seventh year. These were very intense and emotional years.
Normally, I don't celebrate milestones, but today we made (Bitpanda) history. Surpassing the billion-dollar valuation mark in our company's seventh year. These were very intense and emotional years. The media point of view is always directed towards us as founders. However, Bitpanda is not just Paul, Christian and me. We are also a team of over 350 people who don't just do a job but who also show ownership and share a common vision. 350 people who believe in the power of innovation and technical achievements. That is what connects us and is also the connection that we need to continue nourishing.
Over the next few months, we plan to increase from 350 to around 600 team members. We're also planning extreme efforts to preserve the culture of our company. Honestly, I am in awe of this. This will probably become our greatest challenge as founders. Now, with everything we have seen, experienced and solved, I am more than confident we will overcome these upcoming challenges as a team and continue to create something huge with a real, positive impact.
Just as Bitpanda would not exist without its founders, Bitpanda could not exist without its team.
Agnieszka Maria, Adam M., Đorđe, Aleksandra, Christof, Stefanie, Elbruz, Marlis, Niels, Josef H., Diego, Jean-Maxime, Lucien, Katrin W., Luca d.G, Zsofia, Arkadiusz, Margaretha, Alexander, Antonio, Leo L., Marcus, Marie, Carlos, Evgenii, Josef S., Valentin, Aneta, Paul, Edward, Barbara F., Ciprian, Daniel Pr., Florian F., Ivonne, David P., Lazar, Raphael, Sarah G., Nick, Daniel C., Luca N., Marek Š., Peter B., Alejandro, Ehsan, Ferood, Kazim, Damir, Fatih, Jakob, Mirnas, Alvyda, Giulia Letizia Nicole, Andrea, Astrid Carolina, Mara, Markus Walter, Nicolae-Gheorghe, Richard B., Yana, Donát, Vladimír, Chris, Milan Paul, Eugeniu, Beatriz, Maksymilian, Baptiste, Bronwen Clare, Gilles, Kristian, Ander, Anton O., Isaac, Luca G., Morteza, Eda, Liam, Ivana S, Christoph, Jordi, Tamara, Volkan, Francesco, Eylül, Jasjeet, Ruslan, Yigit, Norbert, Tuğçe Nur, Walther, Ioannis, Marina, Martin S., Anita B., Anita N., Christian J., Jamie, Doris, Lukas E-K., Ramon, Catharina, Maria Tereza, Paolo, Leri, Marco, Patrick Pa., Natalie, Birgit Maria, Daniel P., Heinz, Paweł, Krzysztof, Péter Csaba, Jacob, Magdalena, Igor, Irina, Jing, Konstantin K., Christina P., Adam S., Hasan, Michael K., Dorijan, João, Klaus, Miklós, Maíra, Michael F., Rodrigo, Alice, Ayca, Christina M., Lukas P., Katharina Ka., Patrick P., Sara, Elis, Majd, Tino, Niko, Lukasz, Pierre S., Chloé, Yunan, Ilker, Ayu-Melissa, Leo A., Mercedes, Dino, Jan T., Lucas, Marcel Alin, Markus, Caroline Marie Louise, Florian W., Marlies, Tina, David D., Sofia, Christian S., Dominic, Mahsa , Martina P., Jacopo, Jana, Pierre H., Daniel T., Nina K., Philipp H., Sathyanarayanan, Daniel O., Oliver, Doga, Martin E., Beste, Felix, Florian K, Andreas W., Aron, Michal M., Sophie Leandra, Tilen, Anna, Dennis, Marius-Aretă, Daniel R., Philipp K., Nina A., Ben, Phoivos, Roland I., Jiri, Lukas K., Fabian K., Miki, Terry, Mariusz, Rares-Alexandru, Oleg, Tomasz, Elaine, Fabian F., Filip, Judy, Marko L., Dávid, Nuno, Daniel S.M., Hedi, Jan W., Maximilian K., Anzhelika, Matías Alejandro, Petar, Sebastian J., Amina, Joan, Balazs, Gianluca, Johannes Seon-Yul, Juraj, Patrick B., Lubomir, Victor , Michael Jason Friedrich, Alper, Enis, Florian G, Giulia, Elizabeth, Katherine, Maximilian W., Veranika, Albert, Anthonia , Antônio Flávio, Fabian R, Ivana V, Agata, Damien, Miloslav, Brooke, Laura, Dieter, Philip, Heike, Matilde, Elisabeth Irene, Jonada, Anne Juliane, Chiara, Hans Philipp, Manuela, Catalin-Alexandru, Cosmin-Valentin, Álvaro, Daniel L., Pablo, Balázs, Jessica W., Peter R., Darko, Horia, Michael S., Sarah T., Mads, Marianna Violeta, David J., Dusan, Katharina K., Yassine, Barbara T., Hatice, Son, Nicoleta Maria, Werner, Bugra, Júlia B., Natalya, Tomita, Phil, Sylvia, Thomas, Admir, Clemens S., Emilia, Ivis, Oliver Peter, Rafik, Mate, Nikolaus, Peter G., Sasa, Christian St., Filipe, Melanie, Michał, Stefana, Fabiola, Júlia D., Andrei, Julia Victoria, Katrin Wo., Michael A., Petr, Sebastian G., Sonia-Alexandra, Anton T., Orlando, Christian T., Jakub, Michal Š., Phillip, Adin, Marek H., Alexey, Dominik J., Marsel, Clemens B., Dominik K., Konstantin S., Miguel Ángel, Ieva, Remzi, Yuriy, Burak, Andreas L., Catalin, Katarína, Rijad, Gregor, Sandor, Jessica B., Marko S., Stefan, Müge, Richard T., Selim, Dominik d.Z., Maksim, Nestor, Samuel, Benedikt, Benjamin, Martina G., Tenzin, Elif, Julien, Oskar, Siegfried, Sarah S., Dominika, Jan N., Gergely, Maciej, Raymond, Henrik, Hou Sing, Matthias, Mustafa Can, Zijia, Ana, Ulrich, Philipp B., Cécile Sophie, Katharina Z., Lukas M., Roland J.
Thank you.
Bitpanda GmbH ve grup şirketleri (Bitpanda) Türk Parasının Kıymetini’nin Korunması Hakkında 32 sayılı Karar’ın 2/b maddesine göre Türkiye’de yerleşik sayılan hiçbir kişiye yönelik olarak 6362 sayılı Sermaye Piyasası Kanunu başta olmak üzere Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Devleti mevzuatı hükümleri gereği Türkiye’de faaliyet izni gerektiren hiçbir sermaye piyasası faaliyetine dair hizmet sunmamaktadır. Şayet Bitpanda’nın yabancı sermaye piyasalarında vermiş olduğu hizmetlerden Türkiye’de yerleşik kişilerin faydalandığı tespit edilecek olursa tüm zararları kullanıcıya ait olmak üzere bu hizmetler ivedilikle sona erdirilecektir.
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