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Growth Week 2024: Looking back at our first Growth Week


By Bitpanda


At Bitpanda, we believe that continuous learning and development are the cornerstones of personal and professional success. This year, we took our commitment to growth to new heights with our first-ever Growth Week, a week dedicated to expanding our knowledge, skills, and horizons. Here’s a taste of what happened...

Day 1: Universal Learning

Growth Week kicked off with a bang as we delved into the core of Bitpanda’s values and practices. The first day was all about learning "The Bitpanda Way," where our team members shared their insights on growth, industry knowledge, and leadership. We also had the privilege of hearing from external experts on crucial topics such as 'Resilience' and 'High-Performing Teams'. The enthusiasm and energy were palpable, setting a high bar for the rest of the week.

Day 2: Functional/Team Learning

On the second day, we focused on more specific areas with Functional and Team Learning sessions. These sessions were tailored to the unique needs of each team, and led by our dedicated Learning Ambassadors. The goal was to dive deeper into our respective fields, enhancing our skills and knowledge to drive Bitpanda forward. It was a day of collaboration, innovation, and strategic thinking.

Day 3: Self-Learning

The third day of Growth Week was all about self-directed learning. We encouraged our team members to take charge of their growth journeys by exploring the Udemy platform, which we launched during Growth Week. With over 130,000 courses available, our Pandas had the opportunity to dive into topics that piqued their interest, from technical skills to personal development. It was a day dedicated to curiosity, exploration, and individual growth.

Day 4-5: Reflect and Recharge

After some action-packed days, the week concluded with two days to relax, reflect, and recharge. It’s essential to pause and think about how the new knowledge and insights can be applied to both personal and professional growth. We believe that taking this time to reflect will help embed the learnings and inspire continued growth.

Looking Ahead

Growth Week was just the beginning. At Bitpanda, we are committed to fostering an environment where continuous learning and development are part of our DNA. We are excited about the future and look forward to many more initiatives that will help our team grow, innovate, and succeed.

