News • 2 min read
By Bitpanda
Our mission? To constantly offer you more ways of investing in what you believe in. That’s why we’re happy to now be offering 13 ESG-compliant ETFs and 4 climate-aligned ETFs, so you can invest in companies that prioritise doing social and environmental good. Learn more about how to invest in ETFs and what ESG stands for below!
Investors who are looking for an easy, “set it and forget it” approach to investing usually turn to exchange-traded funds, aka ETFs. ETFs are diversified funds that trade like stocks. Unlike a regular mutual fund, which is a managed portfolio or pool of stocks, bonds and other investor-acquired securities, ETFs track the performance of an underlying index faithfully.
ETFs are especially popular with beginner investors because a) they’re super simple to navigate and b) they offer the highest possible returns over the long term under the most stable market conditions possible, with reasonable fees and a transparent structure. What’s not to love?
ESG stands for environmental, social, and corporate governance, and is a way of evaluating how much a company is working towards goals that benefit the world at large, and not just maximising shareholder profits. ESG-related goals typically include sustainability initiatives that benefit the environment, goals that support social movements, as well as efforts that support diversity and inclusion.
In the world of investing, ETFs that are ESG-compliant put an emphasis on environmental, social and governance factors with the aim of allocating more funding towards initiatives that have a broad positive impact. For example, the stocks of a clothing company that conducts human rights due diligence throughout its entire supply chain can be ESG-compliant, as are the stocks of a company setting up an extensive reforestation programme to offset its use of natural resources.
We are happy to announce that we have now listed 13 ESG-compliant ETFs that you can start investing in asap! Our new ESG-compliant ETFs include socially responsible and sustainability-focussed stocks from across all continents. On top of that, we added four new Climate Paris Aligned ETFs that focus on aligning investments with the climate goals of the Paris Agreement. Check out all our listed ETFs here.
With Bitpanda Stocks*, you can invest in ESG-compliant and Climate Paris Aligned ETFs on a pro rata basis fractionally, from as little as €1, commission-free and with tight spreads. This is made possible by derivative contracts covered by the underlying stocks and ETFs.
You can learn more about ETFs on the Bitpanda Academy.
Sign up for Bitpanda if you haven’t already, and start investing today!
The information shared in this article does not constitute investment advice. Investing in financial instruments carries risks. Conduct your own research before concluding a transaction.
*Stocks and ETFs are the underlying assets of the contracts offered as Bitpanda Stocks and are brought to you by Bitpanda Financial Services GmbH. More information about the product and the PRIIPs KIDs are available at
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